jams & pickles

Pickled Onions | Zucchini Salsa | Madeleine’s Salsa | Anita’s Salsa | Baba Zelinski’s Dill Pickles – Big Batch | Baba Zelinski’s Dill Pickles – Small Batch | Dill Pickles – Helen | Pickled Beets | Pail Pickles | Sliced Sandwich Pickles | Cucumber Relish | Rhubarb – Strawberry Jam | Zucchini Carrot Marmalade | Wild Cranberry Sauce | Sauerkraut

Pickled Onions – Joanne Zatylny

4 qts small pickling onions
1 cup salt
1 ½ qts boiling wter

5 cups vinegar
3 cups water
2 cups sugar
¼ cup pickling spices (in bag)

Drop onions in boiling water and loosen skins
Make brine of 1 cup salt and 1 ½ cups boiling water

Let stand for 24 hours and drain, soak in fresh water for 1 hour and drain again. Place in jars and fill to overflowing with syrup mixture. Mix sugar,vinegar and 3 cups water and spices (tied in a bag). Let boil one minute. Place about 3 small chilies in each quart (bottom, middle, top). Then pour hot brine over and seal.

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Zucchini Salsa – Sandy Urbanoski
10 Cups Chopped Zucchini with the skin
3 Cups Chopped Onions
3.5 Cups Chopped Peppers (ratio: 2 red, 2 green & 1 yellow)
4 or 5 Chopped Jalapeno peppers (red or green)

Mix together in a big bowl. Add 5 tablespoons of pickling salt. Mix together, put in fridge overnight.
Next day drain in strainer. Mix again. Drain again. Put in a large pot.

10 mediumTomatoes chopped with skins removed and drain the liquids
2 cups Vinegar (with 1 tablespoon cornstarch mixed in)
1 cup Brown Sugar
1 teaspoon Garlic Powder
1 teaspoon Cumin
1 14oz can Tomato Paste
2 tablespoons Dry Mustard
1 tablespoon Dry Chilies
1 teaspoon Nutmeg
1 teaspoon Black Pepper
1 teaspoon Turmeric

Cook everything together. Stir often for 30 min. Start timing after it starts to boil. Put in jars and Process (20 min). Makes 7 to 8 pints.

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Salsa – Madeline Zelinski

12 Cups Chopped Tomatoes
3 Cups Chopped Onions
3 Cups Chopped Celery
1 Cup Chopped Green Peppers
½ Cup Chopped Yellow Peppers
½ Cup Chopped Red Peppers
3 Fresh Chopped Jalapeno Peppers
3/4 Cup White Sugar
1 Cup White Vinegar
1 Tablespoon Mustard Seed
½ Teaspoon Cayenne Pepper
1/4 Cup Pickling Salt
2 – 6 Ounce Cans of Tomato Paste
6 Cloves Chopped Garlic
Pinch of Oregano, Sweet Basil & Cumin

Leave all the vegetables sit overnight with 1 Tablespoon Baking Soda mixed in. The soda takes away the bitterness. Drain, add rest of ingredients & simmer on stove for 45 minutes. Pour into jars and seal.

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Anita’s Salsa

8 Cups Tomatoes – Diced
4 Cups Peppers (Yellow/Green) – Chopped
2 Cups Onions – Chopped 2 Cups Vinegar
1 Red Pepper – Chopped 3 Jalapeno Peppers – Chopped
4 Garlic Cloves – Minced 2 Small Cans of Tomato Paste
2 Tablespoons Sugar 1 Teaspoon Oregano
1 Tablespoon Pickling Salt 2 Teaspoons Paprika

Simmer all the above for one hour. Put into hot jars, seal and process for
half an hour to seal the jars.

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Dill Pickles – Big Batch – Baba Zelinski

Make this brine and bring to a hard boil:
10 ½ Cups Water3 Cups Vinegar
½ Cup Pickling Salt1 Cup Sugar
Pour this hot boiling brine over cucumbers prepared in jars &
quickly seal the jars.
Use 4 – 6 Cloves of Garlic per jar and a lot of dill.
Turn jars over to seal when they are hot. Leave jars upside
down overnight.

If you like Hot Pickles – Add hot red peppers to the brine and a jalapeno pepper to the
cukes to make hot pickles.

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Dill Pickles – Small Batch – Baba Zelinski

To each quart of Cucumbers, add:
Dill & Garlic to Taste
1 Tablespoon Pickling Salt
1 Tablespoon White Sugar
1 Tablespoon Vinegar
Pour hot water into each jar and seal. Put in the sink with hot water
until the cucumbers change color.

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Dill Pickles – Helen Zatylny

Brine for jars of prepared Cucumbers, Dill and Garlic:

4 1/3 Cups Boiled Water
1/3 Cup Pickling Salt
1/3 Cup Vinegar
Bring all the above to a boil and pour into jars. Seal

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Pickled Beets – Anita McMartin

Cook enough small beets for 4 quarts. Peel and cube the beets when cool.
Make the following brine:
3 Cups Vinegar
2 Cups Water
2 ½ Cups Sugar
1 Teaspoon Pickling Salt
1 Teaspoon Whole Cloves
2 Teaspoons Whole Allspice
1 Cinnamon Stick

Bring brine to a boil. Use spices whole not in a bag. Just before pouring into jars,
remove the cinnamon stick but not the Allspice or Cloves. Seal well.

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Pail Pickles- Olga Urbanoski

Make layers of sliced cucumbers & sliced onions.
Place in an ice cream pail.
Make this brine and pour over cucumbers & onions:
4 Cups Sugar
4 Cups Vinegar
½ Cup Pickling Salt
1 ½ Teaspoon Celery Seed
1 Teaspoon Tumeric
½ Teaspoon Dry Mustard
Store this in a fridge. After a time, they can be put into jars.

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Sliced Sandwich Pickles – Anita McMartin

Slice Cucumbers lenghthwise. Put dill into a jar on the bottom. Fill with
sliced cucumbers and more dill on the top.
Make this brine:
2 Cups White Sugar
1 Cup Water
3 Cups Vinegar
2 Tablespoons Pickling Salt
Pour brine into jars and seal.

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Cucumber Relish – Anita McMartin

Chop or Grind the following:
10 or more Large Cucumbers
1 Cauliflower
12 Onions
2 Green Peppers
Cover with 6 Cups of Water and 1 Cup Pickling Salt. Let stand overnight.
Chop 2 Red Peppers in the morning.
Drain the Cucumber mixture. Pour cold water over and drain again.

Make this dressing:
6 Cups White Sugar
5 Cups Vinegar
2 Cups Water
1 Tablespoon Mustard Seed
1 Tablespoon Celery Seed
3/4 Cup Flour
4 Tablespoons Dry Mustard
1 Tablespoon Tumeric

Heat the chopped vegetables and add the dressing. Cook till thick about
20 Minutes. Stir often to prevent burning. Put into hot jars and seal.

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Rhubarb – Strawberry Jam – Anita McMartin

Mix in 1 Cup Sugar to 5 Cups Diced Rhubarb.
Let this stand overnight.
Add in 1 Cup Sugar and bring to a boil.
Stir in 1 Package of Strawberry Jello.
Let simmer for about 20 minutes.

Put into hot jars and seal.

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Zucchini Carrot Marmalade – Olga Urbanoski

7 Cups Zucchini
3 Cups Carrots
5 Cups White Sugar or more
2 Small Cans Crushed Pineapple with juice
2 Oranges
2 Lemons
2 Packages of Lemon Jello Powder
1 Tablespoon Salt

Put Zucchini through food chopper and grate the carrots. I cook this recipe in a roaster in the
oven – 250 – 300 for about 2 hours. I cook my carrots, then add the zucchini stirring frequently.
Add chopped oranges & lemons. Cut the rinds in slivers. Add pineapple after one hour.
After marmalade is cooked, the add the jello powder. Stir until it is dissolved & put into jars.
(About 1 ounce of raw Ginger is good too).

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Wild Cranberry Sauce – Olga Urbanoski

After the berries have been picked and cleaned. Put them to cook with some
water. When cool, put them through a juicer or strainer.
Put 10 Cups of this juice in a pot. Bring to a rolling boil.
Add 8 Cups of Sugar.
Boil at least 10 minutes or longer. Pour into hot jars and seal.
You do not use any Certo in this recipe.
**Note from Anita – This is just wonderful to use on perogies.

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Sauerkraut – Olga Urbanoski

Bring in cabbage heads and store in the basement for about a week.
Finely shred cabbage into a crock. About ½ full. Sprinkle a small handful
of Pickling Salt, 1 Teaspoon Pickling Spices, and 1 Tablespoon of Vinegar.
Stir well with your hands. Using the side of the cabbage shredder, pound
the cabbage down. Place 2 or 3 Bay Leaves on top.
Do one more layer of shredded cabbage, salt, spices, vinegar as above.
Place a layer of large cabbage leaves on top. Place a large plate on this.
Then place an ice cream pail of water on top of the plate for a weight to
hold it down.
Store this in a cool place for one week with a towel covering it.
Pack lightly into jars – one inch from the top of the jar.
This is important, do not pack tight & leave space from the top.
If there is not enough juice, add some hot water.
Put 1 Teaspoon of oil on top of each jar of cabbage. Seal.
Put jars in a canner of hot water but do not cover the jars.
Remove next day. Store in a cool place or fridge.
Use it after about a month.

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