Family Bush

Below is the very out of date family trees of the Zelinski children.
This is based on the original Family Tree created in 1985 and we need your help to update our Family Bush!

please use the Comment field below to send us the information and we will update it!

(note: numbers indicate generations)

1. Steven Zelinski 1858 – 1934 +Francis Sobel 1864 – 1952

2 Nick Zelinski 1883 – 1949

2 Anton Zelinski 1884 – 1956

2 Peter (Pietr) Zelinski 1886 – 1970

2 Stanley Zilinski 1891 – 1966

2 Mary Zeilinski 1893 – unknown

  1. tom

    22/07/2010 at 3:41 am

    Susan’s last name is spelt Chalanchuk
    Michael married Sara Wilson
    They have a son Ivan Gray
    Tanya married Jonathan Duffy (Tanya Duffy)
    No children
    Alana married Josh Warkentin (Alana Warkentin)
    Oldest daughter is Elizabeth
    Youngest daughter is Rebekkah

    Is there a way to indicate who is deceased?? For example brother Michael

    Unbelievable job. Thanks Tom