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(note: numbers indicate generations)
This is the family tree for the children of NICK ZELINSKI, the second son of Steven and Francis (Sobel) Zelinski.
1. Steven Zelinski 1858 – 1934 +Francis Sobel 1864 – 1952
………2 [1] Nick Zelinski 1883 – 1949
………… +Annie Litwin 1889 – 1913
………………. 3 Katie Zelinski
………………….. +John Perehuda
………………………… 4 Mary Perehuda
………………………… 4 Mike Perehuda
……………………………. +Mary
………………………………….. 5 Darlene Perehuda
………………………………….. 5 Marlene Perehuda
………………………………….. 5 Kathy Perehuda
………………………………….. 5 Daniel Perehuda
………………………………….. 5 Janice Perehuda
………………………… 4 Helen Perehuda
……………………………. +Bill Bachewich
………………………………….. 5 Linda Bachewich
………………………………….. 5 Sonia Bachewich
……………………………………… +Rodger Keeves
……………………………………………. 6 Jennifer Keeves
……………………………………………. 6 Hillary Keeves
………………………………….. 5 Willie Bachewich
…….. *2nd Wife of [1] Nick Zelinski:
………… +Mary Hawryluk 1896 – 1964
………………. 3 Josie Zelinski
………………….. +Steve Kowlaski
………………………… 4 Mary Kowlaski
……………………………. +Harry Kreba
………………………………….. 5 Marlene Kreba
………………………………….. 5 Robert Kreba
……………………………………… +Allison
……………………………………………. 6 James Kreba
………………………………….. 5 Laurie Kreba
……………………………………… +Garvin Sandhoff
……………………………………………. 6 Christie Sandhoff
……………………………………………. 6 Justin Sandhoff
………………………………….. 5 Donna Kreba
………………………………….. 5 Darlene Kreba
………………………… 4 [2] Ben Kowlaski
……………………………. +Margaret
………………………………….. 5 Michael Kowlaski
………………………………….. 5 Pamela Kowlaski
………………………………….. 5 Danial Kowlaski
………………………………….. 5 Curtis Kowlaski
………………………… *2nd Wife of [2] Ben Kowlaski:
……………………………. +Kathy
………………………… 4 [3] Lawrence Kowlaski
……………………………. +Joyce
………………………………….. 5 Robin Kowlaski
………………………………….. 5 Travis Kowlaski
………………………… *2nd Wife of [3] Lawrence Kowlaski:
……………………………. +Darlene
………………………… 4 [4] Laddie Kowlaski
……………………………. +Bonnie
………………………………….. 5 Tina Kowlaski
………………………… *2nd Wife of [4] Laddie Kowlaski:
……………………………. +Debbie
………………………………….. 5 Melanie Kowlaski
………………………… 4 Gerard Kowlaski
………………. 3 Mike Zelinski
………………….. +Mary Prisciak
………………………… 4 Pauline Zelinski
……………………………. +Joseph Schular
………………………………….. 5 Karen Schular
………………………………….. 5 Kathleen Schular
………………………………….. 5 Adam Schular
………………………………….. 5 Mark Schular
………………………… 4 Angela Zelinski
……………………………. +Danny Pidkovich
………………………………….. 5 James Pidkovich
………………………………….. 5 David Pidkovich
………………………… 4 Gustav Zelinski
……………………………. +Delores
………………………………….. 5 Terrance Zelinski
………………………………….. 5 Tammy Zelinski
………………………………….. 5 Tina Marie Zelinski
………………………… 4 Gregory Zelinski
………………………… 4 Mary Zelinski
……………………………. +Bernard Rutka
………………………… 4 Patricia Zelinski
………………. 3 Francis Zelinski
………………. 3 Annie Zelinski
………………. 3 Mary Zelinski
………………….. +Nick Storozuk
………………………… 4 Elsie Storozuk
……………………………. +Mike Capko
………………………… 4 Raymond Storozuk
……………………………. +Lynda
………………………………….. 5 Robbie Storozuk
………………………… 4 Irene Storozuk
……………………………. +Jim Johnson
………………. 3 Helen Zelinski
………………….. +John Yaneshewski
………………………… 4 Elizabeth Yaneshewski
……………………………. +Walter Zack
………………………………….. 5 Terry Zack
………………………………….. 5 Shelly Zack
………………………… 4 Agnes Yaneshewski
……………………………. +Bill Kliesinger
………………………………….. 5 Andrea Kliesinger
………………………………….. 5 Kevin Kliesinger
………………………………….. 5 Tracey Kliesinger
………………………… 4 Edward Yaneshewski
……………………………. +Sylvia
………………………… 4 Gary Yaneshewski
………………. 3 Merron Zelinski